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How Brexit hurt UK fish exports

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CGTN Europe • 29m
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How Brexit hurt UK fish exports

Fishing communities throughout the UK backed the vote to leave the European Union, only to find that red tape, hygiene requirements and additional costs left them struggling to export their catches to the continent. CGTN’s Michael Voss visited the nation’s largest independent fishing fleets at Ne...

London orchestra moves into a school ...

As the pandemic ravaged the arts, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment moved from a prestigious concert venue to a north London school to cut costs. 🏫🇬🇧 It’s turned out to be a win-win for the musicians and the pupils. 🎼🎻

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La Palma volcano chaos: Still no end ...

The eruptions began almost two weeks ago and have shown no signs of slowing down, Cumbre Vieja has left a devastating trail.

So far, more than 600 buildings have been destroyed and more than 6,000 people have had to evacuate. Thankfully, no lives have been lost.

Read more: https://newseu.cgtn....