Full Frame

Full Frame

Emmy award-winning weekly news magazine focusing on global current affairs, human interest stories, cultural dialogue, and social impact.

Full Frame
  • Full Frame: Mental Health

    The psychological impact of COVID can be hard to overcome. The pandemic – and the resulting economic recession – negatively affected the mental health of many people. As it wears on, many continue to face mental health challenges. So, in the years ahead, how can we transition safely and smooth...

  • Full Frame: Nixon's Trip to China

    Fifty years ago this week, U.S. President Nixon undertook a historic visit to China that would forever reshape the international geopolitical map and lay the groundwork for China’s opening to the world. It ended decades of separation between the two countries. Full Frame host Mike Walter speaks t...

  • Full Frame - Art in the Americas

    Full Frame: Art in the Americas
    From street graffiti to digital illustrations, from lyrical poetry to modern opera, Latin American artists have helped shape art in all its different forms. Years of creative evolution help us understand the narrative of human emotions through colors, shapes or sou...

  • Full Frame - The Future of Globalization

    Full Frame: The Future of Globalization
    Economists and policy makers have long argued that globalization often helps lower prices. But with the pandemic speeding up a retreat from globalization, that pattern might reverse. Is support for global integration dropping? Full Frame host, Mike Walt...

  • Full Frame: The Future of Technology

    Emerging technologies are redefining how we live. Which innovations will transform our world? Host Mike Walter interviews Winston Ma, author and adjunct professor at New York University, and Sophia Moshasha, vice president of the AR/VR Association of D.C.

  • Full Frame: Sports Diplomacy

    How can sports transcend political and cultural differences? Host Mike Walter interviews Lisa Delpy Neirotti of George Washington University and Jimmy Lynn of Georgetown University.

  • Full Frame: Melting Iceland

    Iceland is a victim of climate change, but it’s also at the forefront of efforts to battle the impacts of extreme weather. Could Iceland be a model for the rest of the world on how to fight global warming? To understand what its leaders have done it, Full Frame sat down with Iceland Prime Minist...

  • Full Frame: The Next Pandemic

    Are we ready for this next pandemic? In this week's Full Frame, host Mike Walter talks with Maureen Miller, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Columbia University in New York City.
    And, as the world moves towards vaccinating against COVID-19, and preventing the next pandemic, could those bo...

  • Full Frame: The Future of Food

    Growing, producing and shipping food are big contributors to climate change. About one-third of the global greenhouse gas emissions come from the world's food systems, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. What does a sustainable food future look like? Host Mike Walter speakers w...

  • Full Frame - Women’s Empowerment

    More than a year since it started, the global pandemic is hitting women the hardest, from their income to their safety. So, why has COVID disproportionately impacted women?
    Full Frame talks with Anita Bhatia, deputy executive director of United Nations Women and domestic violence. Full Frame tal...

  • Full Frame: Conservation

    Nature conservation is not only critical to protecting our planet’s biodiversity, but it also plays a key role in diminishing the effects of climate change. Are there solutions that can prevent our climate crisis? Full Frame talks with Jennifer Morris, chief executive officer of The Nature Conse...

  • Full Frame: Countering Extremism

    Early data suggests that during the pandemic, terrorism increased in some parts of the world. Host Mike Walter speaks to Kyle Dietrich, Director of Peacebuilding for Equal Access International, and Orzala Nemat, director of the Kabul-based think tank, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit.

  • Full Frame: Escaping the Northern Triangle

    Central America’s Northern Triangle is composed of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. Many families there are often persecuted and extorted by street gangs. Having nowhere to turn for help, many people decide to embark on the dangerous migrant trails with the hope of reaching the United States....

  • Full Frame: Cultural Diplomacy

    Full Frame: Cultural Diplomacy
    There’s no doubt, successful cultural diplomacy will become a major challenge for international relations in the 21st century. Full Frame talks with cultural diplomacy expert, Curtis Sandberg, about the importance of international cultural exchange.
    And museums a...

  • Extremism in Africa

    What's behind the rise of extremist violence in sub-Saharan Africa? Host Mike Walter interviews Nigerian author Helon Habila and counter terrorism expert Muhammad Fraser-Rahim.

  • History Through Photography

    Images can cut right to the heart of an issue and offer an honest unvarnished look at our world. Host Mike Walter interviews photographers and Pulitzer Prize winners Carol Guzy and Ross Baughman, who have captured some of recent history's most iconic photos.

  • China-U.S. Relations

    Host Mike Walter gets insights on the future of China-U.S. relations with former Ambassador to China Max Baucus, Cheng Li of Brookings Institution and Craig Allen of the U.S.-China Business Council.

  • Full Frame: Fighting COVID

    Full Frame: Fighting COVID

    The global fight against COVID-19 is a team effort. Unique treatments and the people who care for patients have both taken on unprecedented roles. On this week's Full Frame host Mike Walter talks with dermasurgeon Dr. Eric Finzi, about using an essential nutrient as...

  • Full Frame: Herd Immunity

    After one year of COVID-19, what has science learned so far? Full Frame talks with epidemiologist, Dr. Jennifer Bouey for answers and what may lie ahead. And, for more insight into the evolution of vaccines, we talk with Dr. William Petri, who studies immunology and the molecular development o...

  • Full Frame: Gig Economy with Arun Sundararajan

    The COVID-19 pandemic is an unexpected crisis that’s impacting lives, and livelihoods around the world. However, it’s also bringing new ideas and new ways of getting jobs done. So, what is the future of work? Full Frame talks with platform economy expert, Arun Sundararajan about the Gig Economy.

  • Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries

    Political scientist and economist James Robinson has spent his career answering the question: Why do some nations enjoy prosperity and security, while others continue to grapple with poverty and instability? Robinson is the co-author of the book Why Nations Fail and professor at the University of...

  • Poverty Alleviation with Pedro Conceicao and Quansheng Zhao

    For many countries, the Covid-19 pandemic will leave long-lasting scars that ended decades of anti-poverty work.

    Extreme poverty — defined as living on $1.90 a day or less — affected more than 9 percent of the global population in 2020. If the pandemic has not happened, the extreme poverty rate ...

  • Genetic Engineering

    The mystery of life is now revealed in our genetic code, revolutionizing how we tackle disease, aging and reproduction. Genetic engineering has been crucial in developing vaccines, including for HPV, Ebola and, now, COVID-19. What's the potential for these technologies, and what are the ethical ...

  • African influence with Nnedi Okorafor and Magatte Wade

    Africa is the world’s youngest and fastest-urbanizing continent. By 2050, Africa will have half of the world’s population. Host Mike Walter talks to Nnedi Okorafor, author of Africanfuturism, and Magatte Wade, entrepreneur and founder of luxury Africa-based brands.