Full Frame

Full Frame

Emmy award-winning weekly news magazine focusing on global current affairs, human interest stories, cultural dialogue, and social impact.

Full Frame
  • Racism Against Asians in the U.S.

    The COVID-19 pandemic is sparking another epidemic: racism against people of Asian descent. Full Frame speaks to Asian Americans who have experienced racism since the pandemic started, as well as advocates John C. Yang and Rita Pin Ahrens.

  • Green Technology with Lewis Liu & Brett Jenks

    Technology -- like smart farming and electric vehicles --is helping the globe transition to a clean future. Full Frame host Mike Walter talks with Lewis Liu of electric car company Karma Automotive and conservationist Brett Jenks.

  • Green China with Wu Changhua & Manish Bapna

    China may be the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitter, releasing more than the United States and the European Union combined. But China’s also leading the world in the push for renewable energy. In 2018, China invested more than $91 billion in clean energy projects, accounting for nearly one-th...

  • Future of the Global Economy with Yukon Huang & David Dollar

    As the pandemic continues, all eyes are on China for signs of how other countries might bound back. Host Mike Walter speaks to economists David Dollar of the Brookings Institution and Yukon Huang of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

  • The Hunger Paradox with Ertharin Cousin & Roger Thurow

    Why do millions still go hungry if the world produces enough food for everyone? Full Frame interviews Ertharin Cousin, former executive director of the UN World Food Programme, and Roger Thurow, journalist and author of "The First 1,000 Days."

  • Technology in Sports with Phil Cheetham

    How are big data and technology helping elite athletes get an edge over their competition? Full Frame speaks to Phil Cheetham, head of technology for the U.S. Olympic Committee.

  • Water & Sustainability with Melissa Troutman & Vaishali Sinha

    Overpopulation, pollution, and climate change are threatening water supplies worldwide.

    One of the culprits of water pollution is fracking – short for hydraulic fracturing. It’s a process of drilling deep into shale rock and using high-pressure water and chemicals to release the gas trapped insi...

  • Coronavirus & the Economy with Stephen Cheung & Khalid Malik




  • Asian Arts Influence with Hao Jingfang & Dana Tai Soon Burgess

    Through words, visuals and dance, Full Frame meets three artists of Asian descent who are contributing to a global understanding of their cultures and creating new visions of the world. Host Mike Walter speaks to sci-fi author Hao Jingfang and choreographer Dana Tai Soon Burgess.

  • Race and Immigration in the U.S. with Erika Lee & Wajahat Ali

    The United States is often referred to as a melting pot for its multiculturalism and prides itself on being a nation of immigrants. In 2017, nearly 45 million people living in the United States were born in another country — more immigrants than in any other country. But the flip side of that div...

  • New Cancer Drugs with Dr. Frank Jiang

  • Widespread with Dr. Jeremy Brown & Dr. Jonna Mazet

    The World Health Organization says the coronavirus pandemic is now accelerating in every major city on the planet. But, before the coronavirus, there was the Spanish Flu of 1918, which killed millions around the globe. Full Frame host Mike Walter talks with Dr. Jeremy Brown, emergency room doctor...

  • New Global Order with Kishore Mahbubani

    In 1945, the U-S, and its western allies, designed a liberal global order to prevent armed conflict. It’s composed of the U-N, or United Nations, the IMF, or International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the WTO, or World Trade Organization, NATO and the G20. Numerous treaties and agreements wer...

  • Virus Evolution with Dr. Jonna Mazet & Dr. Jeremy Brown

    Viruses, like the COVID-19, that jump from animals to humans are called ‘Zoonotic’ diseases and they have caused some of the world’s most devastating pandemics.
    Since 1940, of the roughly 400 emerging infectious diseases that have been identified, more than 60 percent have animal origins.
    So, c...

  • Sustainable Building with Ma Yansong & Elizabeth Hausler

    Climate change and natural disasters are transforming the way we think about building. Lives and infrastructure are threatened, especially in the poorest and most vulnerable countries. How is it possible to build in new ways that prevent catastrophes and also embrace sustainability, local empowe...

  • Epigenetics with Dr. Moshe Szyf

    Nature or nurture? For well over a century, the dominant understanding of inheritance was our traits are passed down to us through the DNA code from our parents.

    But a growing field of study reveals that social factors, environments, and even the experiences your mother faced before you were bo...

  • Young China with Zak Dychtwald

    With over 1.4 billion people China has the world’s largest population. They also have the world’s largest population of millennials with 400 million. That large group of young people will not only be the future of China, but may end up influencing much of the world. So what are China’s millennial...

  • Urban Violence in the U.S. with Roseanna Ander

    Over the past quarter century violent crime in the United States has fallen dramatically, but gun deaths are the highest they’ve been in 40 years, and few know that more than the people in Chicago. In 2018, there were 590 homicides there, the majority of them from guns, and this year is on track ...

  • Pandemic with Dr. Jeremy Brown

    It happened one hundred years ago. An outbreak of influenza became the most severe global pandemic in modern history.

    It was caused by a virus that originated from birds and it’s estimated that 500 million people became infected, that was about one-third of the world’s population at the time.


  • Evolution of Our Planet with Paul Sereno

    The first modern humans appeared on Earth 200,000 years ago, but it wasn’t until just 12,000 years ago we started to settle and farm land. Dinosaurs first appeared on the planet about 245 million years ago during the Triassic period. Around 65 million years ago most of the dinosaurs were dead, wi...

  • Curing Cancer with Dr. Tony Blau

    Dr. Tony Blau is a professor of hematology oncology at the University of Washington in Seattle. For three decades, he has researched blood cancers.
    The work is personal to Tony. He is a survivor of multiple myeloma, a blood cancer. Tony’s work now aims to help connect patients to personalized the...

  • Gender Inequality with Mercedes Araoz (Part 1)

    This week on Full Frame, host Mike Walter talks with economist Mercedes Araoz, who is the second vice president of Peru. She discusses her own experience as a working mom and role model for women and girls across her country.

  • Gender Inequality with Mercedes Araoz (Part 2)

    Peru has historically been one of the poorest countries in Latin America. However, sustained economic growth has reduced poverty there by more than half. And, in the last ten years, extreme poverty has also been reduced. However, as Vice President Araoz discusses, the country still faces challenges.

  • Gender Inequality: Why Is There Still a Gap?

    It’s a basic principle of fairness, men and women should have the same economic opportunities in life. But in reality, it just doesn’t happen.

    For every dollar a man earns, on average, a woman is paid 54 cents. The World Economic Forum predicts, based on today’s rate of progress, it will take mo...