Full Frame

Full Frame

Emmy award-winning weekly news magazine focusing on global current affairs, human interest stories, cultural dialogue, and social impact.

Full Frame
  • The Growth of Africa with W. Gyude Moore (Part 1)

    In this week’s Full Frame, host Mike Walter talks with W. Gyude Moore, the former Liberian Minister of Public Works, about the growth of Africa. He discusses Liberia’s struggles and achievements and the impact foreign investment, especially that of China, is making on the continent.

  • The Growth of Africa with W. Gyude Moore (Part 2)

    Millions of young people in Africa choose to leave, often in search of a better and more stable life, free from war and disease. But migration brings with it complex challenges. In the second part of his interview, former Liberian Minister of Public Works W. Gyude Moore discusses current African ...

  • Climate Change with Catherine Potvin

    The impacts of climate change are enormous, urgent and widespread, but what are solutions to tackle this global problem? One answer comes from nature’s “technology” to capture carbon — tropical forests. Host Mike Walter talks with the scientist at the forefront of this fight to preserve forests, ...

  • Belt and Road Initiative with Andy Mok

    China views the Belt and Road Initiative as an opportunity to share the lessons it’s learned from its own development. The idea is to bring development to areas traditionally considered too risky for investment. In this Full Frame episode, host Mike Walter talks with investor, entrepreneur and p...

  • Artificial Intelligence with Kai Fu Lee

    As the impact of artificial intelligence becomes more visible in the tech world, the global race to develop AI is intensifying. Kai-Fu Lee is a leading AI expert and author of the book, AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order.

    China is trying to dominate the field, and Lee...

  • China's Transformation with Bill Brown

    During the past four decades, the world has witnessed China’s transformation – a swift economic rise, the uplifting of hundreds of millions out of poverty, and an opening up to the rest of the world. But what’s it been like to witness these changes from inside China and through the eyes of a fore...

  • The Future is Asian with Parag Khanna

    With 4.5 billion people, Asia is the most populous continent, making the world 60 percent Asian. The new Asian system is linked through trade, finance, infrastructure, and diplomatic networks that together represent 40 percent of global GDP.
    In this Full Frame episode, host Mike Walter talks wi...

  • Technology: Impacts of Human Ingenuity with Edward Tenner

    Not since the Industrial Revolution has technology so fundamentally altered how we work and communicate. These innovations made us more efficient and connected, but they also set off unprecedented changes with consequences we’re still struggling to understand. Host Mike Walter talks with historia...

  • Space Exploration with James Head

    Many countries have gone to the moon and back, but those trips only gave us half the story since no one had ever landed on the far side of the moon. That is, until earlier this year when China’s Chang’e 4 lander and rover did just that. In this Full Frame episode, host Mike Walter talks with Apol...

  • Poverty Alleviation with Yuen Yuen Ang

    Since the late 1970s, hundreds of millions of Chinese have worked their way out of poverty. China’s achievement is unprecedented in human history. It’s managed to reduce global poverty more than any other country. In this Full Frame episode, host Mike Walter talks with author and Political Sci...

  • Overpopulation with Karen Shragg & Jack Goldstone

    It’s estimated that world population reached its first billion people in 1804. With a birth every four seconds that number is expected to grow to 10 billion by 2050. As we continue to grow the Earth does not.

    In this Full Frame episode, host Mike Walter talks with naturalist and author Karen...